Sunday, April 25, 2010

Amitabh Bachchan says has cirrhosis

Amitabh Bachchan

Amitabh Bachchan says he has cirrhosis, but is not 'Sharabi'. He recites only Madhushala not recurrent them.
The 67-year-old talent source of power that has suffered a near fatal injury on the set of 'coolie' in 1982, explains that he caught the illness from blood transfusions he received during surgery after the injury.

"I was so technical, or shall we say, in medical terms, a patient who defaults. A patient who had developed cirrhosis - a condition normally linked with it as an alcoholic, "Bachchan wrote on his blog Friday.

Cirrhosis impairs the liver's ability to control infection and manage nutrients, hormones and drugs. It is also because, as the Bachchan case of hepatitis viruses. The damage to the liver was exposed eight years ago, he said, talking about his illness for the first time. The latest revelations were prompted by a recent visit to the doctor for an irregular blood test.

Bachchan posts drew these responses from hundreds of readers and fans, but the actor replied that the state was only '5 per cent 'of what's wrong with him. It is a saga that never seems to end, because it's more in store for me I cannot understand, "he wrote on Saturday.

BachChan, who appeared in more than 180 films, was voted the most star of the new millennium in a BBC poll. He has had a troubled history, beginning with the accident in 1982 on the set of the film "coolie". He tore up his spleen and was critically ill for several months. A lacto-vegetarian, he had abdominal surgery in 2005, keeping him sidelined for nearly three months.

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