Sunday, April 25, 2010

Emirates flight suffers air pocket fall, plunges 15,000 feet

Kochi: Passengers of an Emirates flight from Dubai to Kerala this city a little nervous moments on Sunday morning when their plane dropped nearly 15,000 feet in an air pocket, "said one official.

Emirates aircraft falls

The official said the event took place when the aircraft fell piercingly from 20 000 feet to 5000 feet before the pilot could bring it back under control.

After the aircraft landed at the airport here, a team of hospital examined all passengers who suffered bumps and bruises when the plane made an abrupt fall in the air pocket.

Emirates Airlines officials say they will issue a declaration shortly.

An air pocket is a downward air flow, causing a plane to lose height suddenly. There is a local region with low density air or a downward air flow, causing a plane to suffer a sharp drop in altitude.

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