Friday, June 25, 2010

Bethenny Getting Married?

Bethenny Getting Married

I have mentioned before that I like Bethenny but that she annoys me at times. After watching her new show I realized why she annoys me so much.

Bethenny is neurotic; plain and simple. She is such a mess that just watching her in action makes me nervous and jumpy. I realize that she had a very difficult childhood and that she has had to make her own way in life. I also understand that she is most always on the lookout for people who want to take advantage of her. I can relate to that because I am similar in some ways. I suppose that looking into a mirror of sorts makes one uncomfortable and that could be why I I have a problem watching Bethenny.

I like her new husband Jason and I am happy for both of them that they have an adorable little baby girl (who looks just like Jason in my opinion). I am also happy for Bethenny that she is a success and that her career is going well. What bothers me is how many people Bethenny is isolating while climbing the ladder of success. What is that old cliche…”Remember the people you meet on the way up because you will surely meet them again on your way down.

When Bethenny made that appearance at the private home she was downright rude at times and couldn’t wait to make her escape from the ladies who showed up to honor her. She was there to sell books and anything else was an annoyance. That’s not how you win friends and influence people. Bethenny is a writer with a message to sell and if she comes across as rude and arrogant her message gets lost.

Compared to Jill and LuAnn on The Real Housewives of New York, Bethenny was a breath of fresh air and I liked her much better on that show. I hope that she returns and that they drop the idea of just focusing on Bethenny. On her own she’s a bit of a bore and not nearly as likable standing next to the mean girls. When Kelly starts to babble and Bethenny starts to interpret what she is saying it’s hilarious and enjoyable. When Bethenny begins to babble and act like she’s about to explode from nerves I find nothing funny or enjoyable to watch.

Long story short, Bethenny Frankel Hoppy is a good ensemble character and not a star who can stand on her own as far as I am concerned. Perhaps as a writer of books and a chef Bethenny can stand alone but as a solo reality show star she fails miserably, in my opinion.


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