Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Gen Petraeus: Afghanistan fighting may intensify in coming months

Gen Petraeus: Afghanistan fighting may intensify in coming months
Gen Petraeus, the country's most revered military officer, told senators the coalition force "has achieved progress in several locations" this year but warned of a "tough fight" ahead against Taliban insurgents, with violence expected to rise.

He was speaking in front of the US Senate Armed Services committe shortly before they approved his nomination to run the war in Afghanistan, clearing the way for a full Senate vote expected this week.
With lawmakers concerned over strained relations between military and civilian leaders, Petraeus vowed to work closely with his civilian counterparts and also promised to review disputed rules restricting troops' use of firepower.

As public backing for the nearly-nine-old war declines, President Barack Obama nominated Gen Petraeus to take the helm in Kabul after the sacking of General Stanley McChrystal as commander last week.

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