Friday, July 2, 2010

Hair Loss Gene Found: New Treatment Development

Hair Loss Gene Found: New Treatment Development
There has been many a time when I stare at my father and fear that I might go bald the same as him. I have gone grey as quickly as him, so I have prepared myself for the next stage. However, help might be at hand as researches believe that they have found the alopecia areata gene, which could result in the development of a treatment.

People suffer with hair loss in different ways, such as bald patches to complete baldness. Men deal with this is many ways, such as getting on with it as Bruce Willis has done or going to the extreme – such as a comb-over or a wig. Either one of them last two certainly makes people stand out.

According to Val Willingham from CNN Medical, professor Dr. Angela Christiano said that it was first assumed that alopecia areata was linked to inflammatory diseases, so were shocked to learn that it was related to celiac disease such as type 1 diabetes.

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