Tuesday, June 7, 2011

‘India Against Corruption’ Launches Twitter App

To inspire an online movement, you need people to help spread your message. The brains behind ‘India Against Corruption‘ understand this well, and they have introduced a Twitter application yesterday to help spread words even farther.

The Twitter application does only one thing: It automatically retweets selected tweets and Facebook updates from ‘India Against Corruption’ through your Twitter . In other words, you need to place full faith and trust in the ‘India Against Corruption’ team to use the app.
It is a pretty creative way to garner support and spread words though. Within a day, the app has attracted more than 100 users and helped the movement reach more than 14,000 people.

In case you missed our previous report, India is now going through a period of struggle as the nation fights against corruption. The movement was inspired by Anna Hazare’s ‘Fast Unto Death’ campaign in April. Hazare only stopped his fast when the government agreed to work on the Jan Lopak bill, which promises to eradicate corruption.

But nothing much has been changed since then. Pressure keeps building up on the government as Swami Ramdev, India’s most famous yoga guru, went on a hunger strike yesterday calling on his supporters to join him. It was also predicted that a whopping 10 million people will join Ramdev’s protest, according to Reuters.

In addition to this Twitter app, the team also has a technology page which provides users with plenty of options to get involved, ranging from a Facebook app to browser app to help the movement.

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