Fourteen-year-old Sahal Kaushik, who hold the 33rd rank in the all-India level in IIT Jee investigation showed Delhi region tops in the qualifying assessment.
At the press meeting in honor toppers, Sahal, who was too shy to talk on stage, hand over the microphone over to his mother Ruchi Kaushik. But it was only for a while, backstage, laughing boy with his friend and replies to questions the media quite contentedly.
Sahal, schooled at home by his mother, Ruchi Kaushik, doctor-turned-housewife, said after what seem an time without end to the barrier question ^ that IIT would he be? If he wants to study electronics? He looked up: "I want to study pure discipline, physics or mathematics, not manufacturing." He looked down again. "I took Jee, because I also have science from side to side It."
"He mixes, where he wants. He has participate in competitions at global level and mixed well with everyone," says Ruchi. A doctor by profession was Ruchi son's first teacher.
"His basic schooling was largely at home, and I look after their studies," says Ruchi.
"We got him admit in class 10 boards at Vandana International School Dwarka. He did all his studies of class 11 and 12 from Narayana Institute, said she knowledgeable the media people.
Asked how she felt about her son, who performs so well at such a young age, Ruchi said: "He was always a very bright child, so it was not a revelation."
The boy has to his praise two Asian Physics Olympiad medals - silver in 2009 and bronze in 2010. Sahal was also a member of the Asian School Camp in Japan in 2009 and is a canvasser of the important Kishore Vaigyanik Protsahan Yojana.
Talking about his attention, "said Sahal," I want to do investigate. "
'I will either go to included candidate at IIT Kanpur and Indian Institute of Science Education and investigate, "he said.
Ruchi supports her son and said, "He can do what on earth he wants. We never pushed our kids for anything. ”
His mother said Sahal is separate from other children, not only in presentation, but also in his interests and hobbies. Sahal is interested in reading historical books and listen to old songs.When asked about his favorite songs, "said Sahal," It's hard to say who my favorite is, but I would like Kishore Kumar.
Sahal breaks the myth of toppers scored 90 plus in the board exams. This tops score a modest 76 percent in grade 10 and 73 per cent in class 12 board exams.
"He has a sharp brain goes calculations very quickly, but do not articulate very well on paper. Maybe that's why he scored less in CBSE exams," Ruchi said.
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