Wynn Telecom has announced the launch of seven new dual SIM phones, India cost between Rs. 1500 and Rs. 5000th The new phones consists of basic, low-to mid-range phones, proper spec-ed units complete with multimedia features and social network integration. Let's take a quick peek at the new models launched.
Low-end series consists of three phones in the Y10, Y11 and Y21. Let's take a look at each of these phones at a glance.
The Y10 is the most basic handset from the area and boasts features such as dual SIM (GSM GSM) capability, Audio Player, FM recording, video player (128x128 pixels), expandable memory up to 4GB, a large1000mAh battery, torchlight, 500 contact telephone, mobile rail, black list, call reject SMS service, and sound recordings.
The Y11 is the way to go if you have a little more moolah to spend. The phone is an upgrade of Y10 and see a little up market. With respect to features, here is what you get. Dual SIM (GSM GSM) ability, long-life 1800mAh battery, 4.6cm (1.8) 262k TFT color display, torchlight, MP3 player, video player (128x160 pixels), FM with schedule recording, memory expandable up to 4GB, English / Hindi-language support, mobile tracker, GPRS-enabled, application protection and blacklist software.
The Y21 is a dual SIM (GSM GSM) phone that has a telescopic antenna for FM radio with schedule recording. It also has an MP3 player, a 4.6cm (1.8) 262k TFT color screen, digital camera (VGA), video player, a 1200mAh battery, torches, English / Hindi-language support, expandable memory up to 4GB, mobile tracker , blacklist and use protection. This will cost slightly more than Y11.
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