Friday, June 25, 2010

The Delicate Art of Relaxation: How to Chill Out

Delicate Art of Relaxation

It is important to gear down at the end of the day. Here are ten suggestions for reaching the next level of relaxation.

Never mind getting to the ultimate state of Zen, sometimes it’s hard to just chill out and stop being so worried and nervous about everything that’s going on around us.

Sometimes you’re so geared up that you can’t just relax all at once, you have to gear down.

Here are a few ideas for how to work off that extra bit of nervous stress that is plaguing you:
1. Hit the gym. It’s an excellent outlet for pent up aggression. All you need is 45 minutes of a hard work out. You will be so exhausted about an hour later that relaxation will be your only option.

2. Hit the bottle. But, don’t drink the whole bottle. Just half a glass of any kind of wine can help you reach the next stage of relaxation. And, studies show that wine has health benefits apart from keeping you cool and calm.

3. Take every phone you own off the hook. Power down your cell phone. Whoever is calling can wait a few hours, at least.

4. Take a hot bath. Throw in some Epsom salts to literally soak the tension out of your muscles. For even deeper relaxation, add a few drops of lavender oil.

5. Put a movie into the DVD player. You’ll have no commercial interruptions for about an hour and a half. If you’re lucky, you’ll fall asleep. So, don’t forget your blanket and pillow!

6. Play some relaxing music. Or, play some heavy metal if it makes you forget your troubles. That’s the whole point behind gearing down.

7. Write your troubles away. Keep a journal or blog. Lose yourself in a fictional story of your own creation or vent your frustrations with a poem or non-fiction articles.

8. Eat a nice, healthy meal. Fix it yourself or eat out. If you don’t care about gaining weight for an evening, indulge in some simple carbohydrates. Nothing relaxes like an indulgent Italian meal of pizza or pasta.

9. Go for a swim or hit the hot tub. Nothing relaxes you quite like water. Swim away your troubles with some laps or just let your troubles melt away as the water completely relaxes you.

10. Go for a walk. Go to a peaceful park or some other natural environment. Look at the flowers, the trees and the birds. It’s a subtle reminder that there is a wider world outside all of your worries and problems.

Whatever you do to relax, do it regularly. Stress is consistently the greatest underlying factor in disease. Just a short episode of stress can make you look old very quickly. So take care of yourself and try to keep things in perspective.

Have a glass of lemonade on the veranda or a swig of brandy in front of the fire. Chilling out is good for you and everyone around you. You’ll think better and be more successful if you learn how to relax.


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