Friday, June 25, 2010

Joran van der Sloot Blames Peruvian Police on Misconduct

Joran van

According to some recent information, Joran van der Sloot has sued Peruvian police officials for their misconduct. He claimed in his complaint that they arrested him by mistake and didn’t invite an interpreter when they started their interrogation. He was asked questions about Stephany Flores’s murder.

The 22-year-old star wrote in his complaint paper that he was unexpectedly arrested on 3, June in Chile. What is crucial in that situation that no official warrant was issued to enable the police to take him into custody. According to the reports of El Comercio he felt uncomfortable and distressed during their questioning because no official interpreter was provided.

The Dutch citizen is absolutely sure that the police created such unfavorable conditions for him on purpose in order to charge him with homicide. This information was translated by 24 Hours – Peruvian news program.

One of Dutch newspapers informs that the star officially retracted his testimony under pressure because, according to him, he said all that because of fear and confusion.

When Joran van der Sloot was imprisoned he gave his interview, in which he said that he confirmed that it was him who killed Flores, a student of business. But he stresses that he did it under pressure.


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