Friday, June 4, 2010

June 5 is World Environment Day 2010

The following is the account given to the environmental statement from the campaign: To echo an overall theme of the Day (Wednesday) 2010, Environmental Campaign Committee (ECC) to host Wed, 2010 Cumulative warming warming and climate change, variability seminar tomorrow (June 5) to educate the public about climate change and low carbon life. "Given the rapid development of economic and industrial activities of man of the last century have much in favor of global energy and natural resources, causing damage to biodiversity and the overall theme ecosystems.Echoing Mer, 2010, CEC has worked with the Polar Museum Foundation (PMF), Environmental Protection Department, Hong Kong Observatory (HPO) and the Hong Kong Science Museum to marry in 2010 Cumulative global warming and climate change, variability in the series seminars will be held tomorrow, "said the spokesman today ECC (June 4). The event under the theme" against climate change, live a low carbon life, "aims to disseminate message of life of low carbon and awareness of environmental protection protection.Mr Lowell Lo asked the organizers to share with the audience her experience of living in a low-carbon life.

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