Tim Howard s Wife, WHILE TIM HOWARD AND HIS wife Laura strolled through downtown Manchester, England in early September. paparazzi secretly snapped a photo of the newlyweds. That’s just part of life if you play for Manchester United–England’s equivalent of the New York Yankees and Hollywood rolled into one.
Howard joined Manchester United in July after five-plus seasons with the MetroStars–becoming the first American goalkeeper in Manchester’s history–and is now the team’s starter. It’s a long way from North Brunswick, N.J., where Howard grew up, to the best-known soccer team in the world. “It let me know that people are watching us,” says Howard of the paparazzi. “Whether they’re malicious or not, they’re out to put your [private] business in the public eye.”
That would never happen with the MetroStars–unless J-Lo and Ben showed up on the team bus. Of course, the stakes are much higher now–United have visions of another English Premiership title and the European Champions League crown, and fans simply don’t settle for second best.
“When you’re at Manchester United, everything is scrutinized, every little thing,” says Howard. “There’s a pressure to perform every day that is greater [than in MLS]. Pressure can bust pipes or make diamonds. I turn that pressure into something I can enjoy.”
Sipping on an energy drink after practice at United’s $33.6 million state-of-the-art suburban training center, Howard talks about his new life. He wears a Yankees cap backward, although he roots for the Atlanta Braves. “I am a Yank,” he says proudly.
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