Thursday, June 24, 2010

Zion National Park Rangers Plan To Prevent Driving Under the Influence of Visitors

Zion National Park Rangers Plan To Prevent Driving Under the Influence of Visitors
Zion National Park Rangers have proclaimed plans to increase DUI (Driving Under the Influence) check points and traffic patrols to strengthen security for the three million visitors of Zion annually. Jock Whitworth, Zion National Park Superintendent, announced: “Rangers in the National Parks have two essential missions. One is to preserve and protect natural and cultural resources in perpetuity. The other is to provide for the safe enjoyment of those resources by visitors.”
Zion National Park Rangers plans will be funded by the United States Department of Transportation in the National Administration. Plans include conducting high visibility enforcement efforts (such as checkpoints and saturation patrols) and sobriety enforcement to help prevent drunk driving. The first part of the plan will occur in July while the second part will occur in September. Additional plans will be added in October.

Zion National Park Superintendent Jock Whitworth stated:
“In addition to our continuing work to protect the resources. We plan to expand our efforts and vigilance to prevent accidents caused by alcohol abuse and deaths. Poor leadership in Zion is particularly dangerous because of narrow roads, sharp drop-offs and sharp turns. The application of Zion National Park to prevent all visitors and locals, and wildlife safe on the roads in the park. Our goal is to write not a lot of tickets or make a lot of arrests. It is to make people think twice about driving after drinking. Better yet, people should set driver and certain factual before it goes out in the first place. ”

Zion National Park DUI Plans will be made possible in cooperation with the Ministry of Public Safety Utah, neighboring states and law enforcement agencies.

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