Over 60 populace exist elated to the sanatorium - six of them are in a dangerous state - following inhaling chlorine gas leaking from a tube near the Bombay Port faith in the Sewri region throughout the nighttime hours here today. The gas seep out was reported close to Lal Bahadur Shastri school concerning 4 am, supposed the official.
"There is a huge pipe down a diversity of additional cylinders cylindein the center of the diversity of bottles seized by Customs. While removing other cylinders, we make sure that present is no leaks," Uday Tatkare, leader Fire official, supposed.
Following to the complaint, our gentleman hurried to the blot to put the seep out. Other than four of our men too become ill advantage was filled to near hospital," Uday Tatkare hypothetical.
Approximatelypeople were elated to nearby JJ sanatorium. Additional probe of come again? Caused the leak, supposed the bureaucrat.
As a defensive gauge, populace who live in plus approximately the region have been evacuated, "supposed the bureaucrat.
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