Saturday, July 17, 2010

Children magic - Accused of Witchcraft, the practice

Children Magic

Working for the UN children's organization said that Africa's poorest countries Yunisef the children magic - the trend is growing allegations of sorcery.

According to this Yunisef urbanization, war-like situations and children look after is because of the increased expenditure.

Yunisef that the weaker segment of society the same magic on children - are being emotional with witchcraft.

These comprise orphans and children living on the streets. Also psychologically or in the flesh disabled children also become a victim of witchcraft.

Most of these are children of 8 to 14 years. According to the account magic - the punishment for the crime of witchcraft link.

Difficult to revolutionize approach

Child safety officer for the western and southern Africa Yunisef Yokim twinge says, "children accused of witchcraft and forced confession made is going to give them information about the lore of witchcraft is sought. Often children are sent away from their home by knockout. If we only talk of the town Kinshasa twenty thousand children living on the streets has been accused of witchcraft. “

Children burn and kill the trend has gone. Those obsessed by the ghost over to put petrol in many children's eyes or ears are prearranged.

Reports of witchcraft Zadzafwnc to remove the effect of taking as much money because of the difficulty of some religious speakers is enhanced.

Nigeria exorcism two fifty dollar charges for such a speaker who was also under arrest.

If children assist governments in many countries are doing, but about witchcraft beliefs are such that the public is extremely difficult to put in plain words.

Child Safety Officer Yokim twinge says, "Are some steps governments in Nigeria and Congo. Were enthused from home facilities for children but we have seen that such initiatives were then re-connecting with society about children not being no matter which. “

According to the charges of witchcraft Yunisef children is a new trend. And, older women 10 to 20 years ago on charges looked.

Yunisef also believes that he could not finish witchcraft but deny the violence alongside children that he will do everything to put off it.

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