Reportedly, Sushant Singh Rajput, who is one of the strongest contestants of Jhalak Dikhla Jaa 4 will quit the show on Thursday, due to his back injury. However, Bollywood Diva Madhuri Dixit, who is also one of the judges of the show asks him to have a second thought on his decision.
Sushant, who was consistent performer has very badly injured his back while rehearsing with choreographer Shampa. Sushant said that he wants to quit the show, as he is not in a position to dance and he dosen't want to be unfair to the other contestants by not performing and still continuing to ask for votes from the viewers.
Sushant is not happy about his decision, but this sudden accident is forcing him to do so. Listening to this Madhuri, who said to his favourite contestant Sushant that he is one of the best dancers of Jhalak Dikhla Jaa and he is sure to be one of the three finalist. She added that she will love to see him dance further. She asked him to take a second call on his decision.
The earlier news suggested that Sushant's girlfriend and co-contestant of Jhalak Ankita Lokhande has been eliminated from the show. When on one hand while leaving Jhalak Ankita said that she is not upset for leaving the show, as she is sure that Sushant will definitely win Jhalak Dikhla Jaa, Sushant is planning to leave the show.
Well, we hope Sushant recovers fast so that we continue seeing him dancing on Jhalak Dikhla Jaa 4 on Sony TV.
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