Woohoo! As a part of Best Social Media Integrated Blog finalist this year, I celebrated the Singapore Social Media day at Scape Orchard last Saturday. Yup! I am the person who goes into social media trend with the help of Twitter, Facebook, Blogger, foursquare and more…!
Tagged along with my friend, Terence to this social media event and very thanks to his Sony Nex5 camera! Captured many pretty picture through this NEX 5 camera and it makes me feel like buying one type of this camera too. lol

I checked in my foursquare to this event and was rewarded with a social media badge. Nice and unique badge for collection, likewise also donated few dollars for the charity that they were raising it. Ended with signing my signature on their “Facebook” Wall and took a photo at their wall too.
This event consists of various activities which allow you to participate in and was held at level 2 and level 5. Not to forgot to say that, I went there to support the #sgsmd ambassadors and also met many familiar friends too. Glad to see you guys!
This a quote I tweeted few weeks back "I'm here at SoMe Checked In celebrating Singapore Social Media Day 2011 It's So Me!"
You guys will be wondering how come from day time suddenly turned to night time. Haha It’s because in between the time I went to Sentosa for the Tiger Crystal party which I will share in my next post! Stay Tune people! Hahaha… Lastly, took a group picture with fellow friends at Social Media day event before I called it a day. *Smiles*
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