Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Chlorine gas leak in Mumbai, 70 hospitalized

Chlorine gas leak

Mumbai: countenance rub downward hurtful eye, out of breath for mouthful of air sanatorium in south Mumbai found it complex to run the stream of patients arrived suppliant for assist

The unsafe substance so as to can reason sightlessness, lung injure, respiratory breakdown plus death, spill out keen on a full of action harbor area, house to a school, plus slums.

Four firefighters who were part of a side that come in defensive suits spray bottles plus preserved off the region, was 1 of them to Sanatorium.

The city's brannsjef Uday Tatkare supposed the seep absent in the Sewri area of India's commerce assets, was lastly brought beneath manage.

Accommodation Properties in the Region were for the occasion being evacuated as a safety gauge, hypothetical State Health cleric Vijay Kumar Gawit.

His countries said that anybody by the web bring in unfilled chlorine cylinders plus plug them for reuse.

"Some residual chlorine seems to have been abandoned and which leaked into the atmosphere," he said.

"It does beneath manage. We contain sodium in it."

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