Saturday, April 23, 2011

Making Safe Investments | ways of safe investments

Below you’ll find an overview of the things you will want to know about safe investments, how to find them, and the risks associated with them.

5 Investments That Are Considered Safe
These five investments are considered to be among the safest investments you can own, as their primary purpose is to protect your principal. A secondary purpose is to provide interest income.

How Safe Are My Safe Investments?
All investments have risk, even “safe” ones. You are exposed to three types of risk with safe investments; the potential to lose principal, loss of purchasing power due to inflation and the risk that comes with illiquidity, which can occur when safe investments contain surrender charges or maturity dates that are a long way off.

How Much Of My Money Should Stay In Safe Investments?
At a minimum you want to keep three to six months worth of living expenses in safe investments. The less secure your employment, the more money you want to keep in safe investments. The closer you are to retirement, the more money you want to keep in safe investments.

What Type of Investment Returns Would I Expect From Safe Investments?
What kind of investment returns, or approximately how much investment income, would you expect to receive from safe investments? It depends on the year. This table will show you past safe investment returns from 1973 through last year.

One Key To Making Safe Investments; Learn To Avoid Bad Investments
One key to making safe investments is learning how to avoid bad investments. You can bypass many a bad investment by knowing what to look for. Most bad investments can be avoided by using five simple rules.

Finding Guaranteed Retirement Income
Although not technically an investment, finding guaranteed retirement income definitely falls in the same category as safe investing. After all, how much safer can you get than "guaranteed"? Guess it all depends on where the guarantee comes from. The primary sources are social security, pension plans, and annuities.

More About Safe Investments
Money Market vs. Certificate of Deposit
Find a High Yield Savings Account
Learn 3 Ways To Create Lasting Investment Income
Safe Investing Means Avoiding Investment Mistakes
5 Rules To Use To Avoid Making A Bad Investment
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Why Average Investors Earn Below Average Market Returns

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