Tuesday, June 7, 2011

A 2 1/2 Men Disaster and MTV Awards (non)Shocks

There’s a new controversy brewing around the CBS sitcom Two and a Half Men, and this time it doesn’t even have anything to do with former star Charlie Sheen. In fact, it would appear somewhere out there is incredibly sick of seeing Sheen on their TV. A man in New York City was arrested after making multiple bomb threats to the TV station WPIX-11, claiming he would blow the studio up if they didn’t stop airing repeats of Two and a Half Men over and over at all hours of the day. That is some dedication to hating a sitcom.Obviously threatening to blow up anyone for any reason is awful, and it’s especially ridiculous when the heart of the matter is a dumb sitcom, but at the same time is this guy some kind of new folk hero? I think we may see more people follow in his footsteps, taking on the networks to try and force them to play less terrible programming. I know I’ll be starting a hunger strike to get less Cake Boss on TLC. I mean there are about 500 channels and On-Demand and DVR, but hey it’s the principle!

Speaking of terrible things getting way too much screen time, at the MTV Movie Awards last night you could barely go 30 seconds without seeing the cast of Twilight. Proving once and for all that the MTV Movie Awards are the anti-Oscars and that the up and coming generation is doomed, Twilight: Eclipse won the most awards of the night. Twilight swept the awards so well that it actually managed to win every award it was nominated for, including Best Picture of the Year. Do these people live on the same planet? I have to hope that 8 pale Twilight fans sat there clicking with their Taylor Lautner’s Abs shaped mouse to vote for that movie for weeks on end and that the MTV crowd doesn’t really think that is the best movie of the year. At least Emma Stone won for Best Comedic Performance in Easy A! Not all is lost.

Naturally Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart won for Best Kiss. I would have voted for Paul Stanley, but what do I know? (That was a KISS joke people!) The crowd was bummed when real life couple Robert and Kristen refused to kiss for them on stage, but Pattinson made up for it by running into the crowd to plat a man-on-man (or vamp-on-wolf) kiss on co-star Taylor Lautner. And with that, thousands of Twi-Hards saw their poorly written fan-fiction coming true. The dream is real girls! The dream is real!

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