Monday, June 13, 2011

The Killing Review: Sex, Lies, and Email

Linden and Holder hit the truth jackpot this week, as the charming and soft spoken Darren Richmond had quite the dirty little secret. After all, what would politics be without a little sex scandal? Now it seems we all know exactly what he did.

Killing Movie

Just because Richmond is Orpheus doesn't necessarily make him Rosie's killer. Sure, the ominous shot of his hidden face in the doorway made him look menacing and the creepy questions about drowning were eerily reminiscent of the way in which Rosie died. Is that enough to convict him of a crime?

It would be easy to point the finger again, but let's remember what happened to Bennet Ahmed because of it.
Perhaps instead of a freaky water and drowning fetish, Richmond was simply looking for companionship in an effort to remember his dead wife and talk out his feelings of regret and loss.

Did his wife drown and he simply couldn't imagine the pain and suffering she endured before her death? Was he responsible? Maybe her death occurred due to a kayaking accident. There was a photo of the two kayaking together.

Sometimes, just when you think you know someone, you really know nothing at all.

So, while Richmond's question of guilt lies waiting for the finale, "Beau Soleil" did finally create the big connection between the murder and the political campaign.

This significant reveal, while seemingly inevitable, included a buildup that maintained a gripping tension until the end. It was great to see Linden, Holder, and even Richmond's campaign advisor, Gwen Eaton, all discover Richmond's ties to Beau Soleil and Rosie. Despite the fact that all three characters learned essentially the same fact, each reveal felt equally important and edge-of-your-seat fantastic.

Additionally, with the pickup of case information, last episode's character development and missing Jack storyline weren't abandoned. The personal matters certainly touch a deep nerve with Linden and it seems to be the one area that really breaks her stone concentration. She truly cares deeply for her son and the arrival of her ex didn't change that.

Similarly, Stan illustrates a passion for his family that extends towards a willingness to do anything for them. I'm glad he was able to speak his mind after Mitch met him at the jail. I understand that everyone has their own way of dealing with grief, but enough with the whining and lashing out. It's gotten old and I'm not interested in attending her pity party. If she doesn't get herself together, I can foresee her marriage taken a negative and broken turn.

After 12 episodes, The Killing has maintained its fresh take on the crime drama that departs from the fast paced worlds of shows like CSI. This series has managed to weave together interesting characters and drama while surrounding them with a murder mystery that finds both equally important. Hopefully, the season finale will garner a satisfying conclusion that rings true to thematic and riveting design that calls viewers back for more.

Will next week's season finale actually reveal the true killer? Is it Richmond? Will there be a last minute twist or will it be a straightforward, cut and dry conclusion? Sound off below with your theories, comments, and questions!

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