All 30 students of Super 30, a free education center in Bihar, have cracked the highly spirited Indian Institute of Technology-Joint entrance assessment for the third consecutive year, the Foundation announce Wednesday.
"We are very optimistic and celebrate the 100 percent success for the third consecutive year, as all 30 students cracked IIT-Jee in the year," Anand Kumar, the institute director-cum-founder, told IANS.
Super 30, which helps financially deprived students crack the IIT-Jee has been selected by The Time publication in its list of the best in Asia 2010th
Magazine in its latest edition, said that each year about 230 000 students taking the exam for a place in the IITs but only shaped 5000 seize it.
"Last year, 30 were from an education center Patna, the capital of the poor northern Indian state of Bihar. It may not sound much, but the Super 30 the center is a go by rate of 100 percent," it said.
Mohammad Sadab Azam, a student of the Super 30, said: "Thanks to the Super 30, I cracked IIT-Jee. All are in a somber mood. We are happy."
Azam, whose father works as working in a village in Gaya, said that he had never dreamed of cracking the prestigious test.
"It was all since of the Super 30," he said.
Anup Kumar, second Super 30 students, said the facilities and support from the faculty made it possible for him to crack the tough exam.
The Institute selects gifted students from poor families and provides them free coaching, food and lodging.
According to Anand, "Hard work, proper leadership and supervision are the secrets at the back the success.
"We were sure that the results will be positive when we teach them to eat, sleep, walk and talk only IIT," he said.
In 2003 the first year of the organization, 18 students to the IITs. This figure rose to 22 in 2004 and to 26 in 2005. In 2007 and 2006, 28 students made it through ITT-Jee. In 2008, the first 30 students cracked IIT-Jee 2009.
Anand said the section is supported by revenues from its Ramanujam School of arithmetic, which has students who can afford to pay fees.
Super 30 was started by Anand with Bihar's Additional Director of Police Abhyanand. But two years ago Abhyanand distance from the organization.
Success story of the Super 30 was telecast on Discovery Channel last year.
"Super 30 is a fantastic proposal, and it must be most people across the globe," says Christopher Mitchell, who films for Discovery also bags the Audience Award Choice Award at the sixth Indian Film Festival in Los Angeles.
Three years ago, Norika Fujiwara, a former Japanese beauty queen and actress, a documentary film on Super 30 for its innovative and successful attempt to send poor children in India's best engineering colleges.
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