Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Arizona Law Causes Split for Governors Sharing Border

Arizona Law Causes Split for Governors Sharing Border
PHOENIX - For nearly 30 years, governors, which line both sides of the US-Mexico border gathered to celebrate the border bonhomie. They made statements and commitments to work together, without complaints and concerns behind closed doors, cameras and ask the symbolic indications of cooperation.

But this year, 28 The annual conference has confronted the repression of illegal immigration in Arizona, inspiring bitter recriminations between the governors of Mexico and resentment among some Americans.

January Governor Brewer, Arizona, called for new legislation that gives police the power to the wider local issue of people they stop their immigration status. Tuesday, U. S. Department of Justice sued the dress.

Ms. Brewer is alternately hosted by the president and this year's conference, which will take place in September as a way of Phoenix. But after all, the six Mexican border governors wrote to tell him of their intention to boycott a series of protest against the new law, Ms. Brewer has sent its own last week, governors from both sides of the border, saying it will remove the entire conference.

"I am disappointed by your decision," she said letter dated June 30 "I sincerely believe the gathering of governors of Arizona should provide an ideal platform for a dialogue on legislation and other matters of great importance in the border area.

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