Summer officially started a while ago maybe, but for me, summer does not start until Big Brother live feeds do not. The final heat show, a huge void that I waste time every two years. I Cheema as much as Ronnie or hate anyone? What I love as I did with Dan, Dr. Will, Janelle or Jeff? When a form of coalition and others deride his total lack of subjectivity in performance?
All these questions and others to Miss Julie Chen-tastic, 13 guests thanks to the return and a whole bunch of cameras are about finding the answer. Hey Big Brother, how I missed you.
All presentations provide an overview of the cartoon version of HG. Hayden is the mass of a device in the largest sense. Lane admits to being an idiot, Ragan's super gay, Andrew a super-Jew, Enzo, totally rubs me the wrong way thinking he Mayy Jersey is a talented, Brendan damn hot, Rachel's breasts wholesale, Britney A small town girl, a cop, Kathy, Kristen is a kind of dull, Monet and a diva Annie was a bisexual. The cliff notes version of HG.
During the presentations, "smart" Rachel Andrew chemist claimed that a "Yom Kippur". Close but no cigar. Britney loves Ragan immediately, because the moment he opened his mouth, he knows he's flamboyant gay guy and he wants to talk about Sex and the City one. It really is like my love.
Also, my calculation, HG according to the half-lie about their real profession that they are more stupid than they are to deceive others. However, I do not already have one of them as smart as they think they are. Case in point: Jews have Yom Kippur.
E. shows that the great and powerful one HG is a saboteur. It seems strange that they had found all turn on, until an extra turn. Julie says that, if the saboteur 5 days left (to the jury IE), they will win $ 50,000. Paranoia begins immediately in my first suspect, Ragan, seems too much resistance. Again, everyone seems doubtful.
Part of me hopes that everyone either has or saboteur. It could be a great mind game if Julie told them everything there will be a disruptive when there really is not. One thing that Big Brother needs and lies.
Block statements before domestic competition head Chenny. They are divided into two teams of six with Andrew, volunteers who are not eligible to win HOH is left as a mascot. Mascot to wear a dress is hot dogs. On the positive side, Andrew has immunity from the first eviction. It's either very lucky or have very deleterious-ish.
Teams across a grid on a hot dog and the first person to $ 10,000 should get through, then $ 1,000 and so on. Through winning team last person wins HOH. Things get complicated when the hot dogs with ketchup and mustard are greased
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