Friday, July 9, 2010

DU to integrate M.Com classes for south and north campuses

<a onblur=NEW DELHI: Delhi University (DU), M. Com courses at colleges in South Campus are now attending classes at North Campus student may be.

A registrar OF RK According to notices sent by Sinha on July 1, M. COM classes for both campuses now North Campus will be included in the Department of Commerce, the academic year beginning 2010-11.

Following the notification of registration, BA classes will be taught in the Department of Commerce's South Campus. Clerk advised members of the faculty of South Campus, which have been teaching courses now North Campus will be merged with the Department of Commerce.

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Notification of a recent press conference was called illegally, wrestling and academics to develop (DAA), a group of teachers from the University of Delhi.

"J. Khuntia, members of the ACD as a result of this opinion of the Registrar sufficient for students studying at colleges in South Campus be problematic because they travel a long way from south to north campus to the courses can be "well Delhi University Academic Council (Duac) as.
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According Khuntia, North Campus already has masters programs in international business and a master's degree in human resource development has taken these classes. Therefore, there is no place on campus to more than 123 students from South to North Campus Campus 254 is connected with the course for BA students to start classes are held.

Invitation illegal ADF said that he not only broke the rules and regulations issued by the prospectus for admission to BA, but the Delhi University Law 31 (I) (iii). In addition, the North Campus on mergers BA classes were moved without valid prescriptions adopted by the Academic Council.

"Khuntia added in 1993, BA Duac leave the campus to the south, in any case was not decided."

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