Friday, July 2, 2010

Electro Lube Oil Refiner Complete Details

Oil Refiner

Electro Lube Oil Refiner can be used in a variety of ways because it contains hydrocarbons of varying molecular masses, forms and lengths such as paraffins, aromatics, naphthenes (or cycloalkanes), alkenes, dienes, and alkynes. While the molecules in crude oil include different atoms such as sulfur and nitrogen, the hydrocarbons are the most common form of molecules, which are molecules of varying lengths and complexity made of hydrogen and carbon atoms, and a small number of oxygen atoms. The differences in the structure of these molecules account for their varying physical and chemical properties, and it is this variety that makes crude oil useful in a broad range of applications

Continuing the development of this international brand, Emerson realized he needed to create a multimedia presentation that would demonstrate exactly how the Refiner cleaned the oil. This required animation, which had to be done by creating individual colored gels. The hard work was worth the efforts: the resulting presentation was used successfully by distributors worldwide for seven years before newer technology allowed the company to change it.

Electro lube Oil Refiner developed specialist oils to reduce contact wear and improve electrical efficieny in switches; these oils through continual technical development and testing programmes have become an industry standard, particularly with Automotive manufacturers where Electrolube contact lubricants ensure many years fault free service from the smallest mass produced family sedan to the worlds's most exciting supercars.


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