Sunday, July 4, 2010

Summer TV Opposites Collide: We 'Mad Men'ed the Cast of 'Jersey Shore'

Summer TV Opposites Collide: We 'Mad Men'ed the Cast of 'Jersey Shore'
The new season of Mad Men premieres on July 25, and to celebrate AMC has revamped its popular "Mad Men Yourself," where you can create an idealized, '50s version of yourself, complete with clothes, cigar and dry martini.

Also returning in late July are the stars of MTV's reality gem Jersey Shore, whose blowouts and halter tops couldn't push them farther away from the buttoned-up, prim 'n' proper stylings of the characters on Mad Men. Alcoholism and rampant misogyny aside, the worlds of these two summer must-sees really couldn't be more polarized. But not for long ...

What would Snooki, Pauly D, The Situation and their crew look like if they were magically transported to the halls of Sterling Cooper? Here's what we envision they'd look like if those Jersey Shore kids got hold of a time-and-class machine and traveled into the world of Mad Men:

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