The final five, Roberto, Kirk, Chris, Ty and Frank, all went to Lisbon, Portugal for a romantic getaway with Ali, who was forced to decide which four suitors will be moving on to the home town dates. Though a lot of drama was promised this week on The Bachelorette, most of it came from Chris Harrison's highly anticipated interview with Jake Pavelka and Vienna Girardi, who are living proof that finding fairytale love on TV could turn into a devastating nightmare. You can check out the highlights of the episode in Meghan Carlson's Bachelorette-Bites. Meanwhile, let's identify the winners and losers of the night.
The Winners
Once again, The Bachelorette's golden boy landed on the forefront of the competition after going on the first one-on-one date of the evening with Ali. His chemistry with Ali didn't wither one bit and the fact that he's a spontaneous romantic, who couldn't care less if people are staring while he's slow dancing with a girl on the street, gave him more points in Ali's book.
Chris L.
Though Ali compared his relationship with Chris to the slow scooter ride during their one-on-one date, it made Chris all the more "genuine" in my eyes. You can tell that Chris was being cautious about his decisions--much like Ali who seemed to be taking reality dating very seriously. And though it took some time before Chris opened up to Ali, he quickly made up for it by giving her a bracelet, which Ali loved.
I'm still not a fan of Vienna but hearing her defend herself during her interview with Chris Harrison made her look like the victim in what she describes as a "non-existent relationship" with Jake. Sure she's still whiny and annoying but she obviously knew how to justify her decisions, which made her look credible--at least based on this interview. She even called Jake a "fame whore" and no one can really blame her for it.
The Losers
Speaking of the fame whore, Jake appeared to the biggest loser of the night. First of all, he wasn't able to come up with retorts against Vienna. He also let himself look like a control freak that ironically loses his temper on national TV. It also didn't help that Vienna called him a big fat liar several times.
As much as Ty tried to impress Ali tonight with his "I love a woman with ambition" speech, he just wasn't as connected with Ali as compared to the other guys. Unfortunately for Ty, he also found himself on a two-on-one date with Ali and Frank, whom Ali is obviously nuts about. Not surprisingly, she chose to send home Ty over Kirk, whom I suspect will also be going home soon.
Frank got the rose tonight but there's something alarming about what Ali said to him: "You're everything I want and everything I fear." That alone should cause alarm for Frank and should serve as a big red flag for Ali.
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