Saturday, June 11, 2011

West is West Review – only performances stands out

Movie Review
West is West Review – Bollywood Hindi movie 2011 West Is West is a comedy-drama film, which is a sequel to the 1999 comedy East Is East.

When Compared the two films ‘East is East’ was a one-dimensional character while the new one West is West’s Khan is much more complex. But there is no comedy in this film and which has no detail in the play of drama where Indian viewers will not recognise with the main leads, which is very poosr script to say and ultimately reducing the impact of the drama.The best of the movie which offers drama the oustanding performances and the background score stands out. Overall, West Is West is narrated well but it definately will face low prospects at the box-office in India. Overall, a boring movie!
It starring Aqib Khan, Om Puri, Linda Bassett, Ila Arun and Jimi Mistry, is written by Ayub Khan-Din, directed by Andy DeEmmony, and produced by Leslee Udwin for Assassin Films and BBC Films.Both films are based on the writer’s own life as a young man in Salford in the 1970s, with Sajid being his alter ego; the script was loosely based on a draft of a screenplay about his life in Pakistan as a 13-year-old.
Rating: Average of 2.5/5


The story is set in 1975, four years after the story in East Is East. Father George Khan is worried that his youngest son, Sajid, now 15, is turning his back on his Pakistani heritage, so he decides to take him for a visit to Pakistan. While the movie is set in Pakistan, it was in fact filmed in India. So, in a last, desperate attempt to ‘sort him out’, his father decides to pack him off to Mrs Khan No 1 and family in the Punjab, the wife and daughters he had abandoned 35 years earlier. It is not long before Ella Khan (Mrs Khan No 2), with a small entourage from Salford, England, swiftly follows to sort out the mess, past and present.

Cast and Crew details

Releasing date: Jun 10, 2011
Language: English
Genre: Drama
Starring: Jimi Mistri, Emil Marwa, Ila Arun, Vijay Raaz, Om Puri, Lesley Nicoll
Director: Andy De Emmony
Length: 1 hr 42 mins
Writer: Ayub Khan Din

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